Two inducted to New Kensington's Athletics Hall of Fame

Robert Howard, John DeRiggi named to 2024 inductee class
Four individuals stand smiling and posing for photo

Pictured from left to right is Robert "Bob" Howard, 2024 Penn State New Kensington Athletics Hall of Fame inductee; Renee Brown-Antonelli, athletic director at the campus; Arlene Hall, 新肯辛顿校区前教务处主任,免费mg不朽情缘试玩费耶特分校前临时校长, the Eberly Campus; and John M. DeRiggi, 2024 Penn State New Kensington Athletics Hall of Fame inductee. 在4月17日的年度体育宴会上,霍华德和德里吉被任命为新肯辛顿体育名人堂2024届的入选者.

Credit: Rebecca Dietrich

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿田径学院将两名前校园教练提名为最新一批名人堂入选者. Robert Kenneth Howard and John M. 4月17日,在该部门举行的“2024届名人堂”颁奖典礼上,德里吉被授予了荣誉 annual athletics banquet

“今年的入选者真正体现了丰富的历史和对我们校园的深远影响,” said Renee Brown-Antonelli, athletic director at the New Kensington campus. “鲍勃和约翰是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校体育领域的真正先驱. 

She continued, “Their legacy is deeply ingrained in our institutional knowledge, 为发展我们现在所知的免费mg不朽情缘试玩运动会(PSUAC)做出了大量开创性的历史贡献, their extensive connections to alumni, former players, 教职员工与我们重新参与更广泛社区的努力完全一致. 很荣幸看到约翰和鲍勃被提名这一享有盛誉的奖项.” 


“这一荣誉不仅是对我们体育部传奇过去的致敬, 同时也是对我们目前成就的庆祝,也是对我们未来抱负的灯塔,” she said.  

我们鼓励校友和朋友提名,以供将来的入会班级考虑和审查. Nominations can be made by filling out the online Hall of Fame nomination form.  

Penn State New Kensington Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2023

Robert “Bob” Kenneth Howard 

鲍勃·霍华德以其传奇的职业生涯在匹兹堡地区和免费mg不朽情缘试玩社区闻名,他帮助塑造了新肯辛顿校园内外的体育和教育格局. 27年来,霍华德一直是校园体育运动部门的一员. In addition to being part of the academic realm, he also embraced coaching basketball, volleyball and tennis, while also helping to develop new athletic programs, 培育会议冠军,促进学生运动员成功.  

During his coaching tenure, 他的球队三次获得英联邦运动会冠军,三次获得篮球比赛第二名. In the Pennsylvania Junior College Athletic Association, he led the team to an appearance in the state finals. 他还被评为1978-79年度最佳篮球教练,以表彰他的领导和指导. In volleyball, 他的球队五次进入联邦大学田径大会(CCAC)州锦标赛, and in tennis, his team clinched a CCAC State Championship title.  

Beyond the courts, Howard was the founder of the Commonwealth Athletic Conference in 1967, 这一开创性的举措为目前的PSUAC系统铺平了道路. In addition, 他与人共同创立了西部大专体育协会(Western Junior College Athletic Association),以扩大整个地区学生运动员的机会.  

In 1990, he was named to the Robert J. Scannell Roll of Honor这是授予在PSUAC中发挥领导作用的人的最高荣誉. 


John M. DeRiggi 

约翰·德里吉(John DeRiggi)在免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿校区读书时就开始了他的故事, where he earned an associate degree in engineering. 随后,他在波因特帕克大学(Point Park University)获得了机械工程学士学位.  

Athletics has always been a focus of DeRiggi’s life, 因为他是宾州山高中排球队和体操队的一员. He also played racquetball for more than 40 years, 慢投垒球35年,1998年开始竞走. In addition to being an athlete, 他曾在宾夕法尼亚山和梅高中担任体育健身助理主教练17年, 同时担任当地教会球队和该地区成人联赛的志愿排球教练.  

In 1998, 德里吉回到免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校,担任女子排球队助理主教练. He was promoted to Head coach the following year. 他的团队在CCAC和西宾夕法尼亚大学联盟(WPCC)中取得了成功。. 他将带领球队三次获得CCAC西部赛区冠军(1999年), 2000 and 2001); an undefeated regular season in both the CCAC and WPCC in 2000; CCAC Championship runner-up, WPCC North Division Champion, WPCC Champion and Pennsylvania Collegiate Ahtletic Association State Championship runner-up in 2000; 2001 CCAC Champions and WPCC Champion runner-up; and third place in the PSUAC championships in 2007. 德里吉在2000年被评为WPCC年度最佳教练,2001年被评为CCAC年度最佳教练. 他还在2000年和2001年被选为WPCC全明星队的主教练. 他于2007年、2014年和2022年入选宾夕法尼亚山体育名人堂.  

Outside of athletics, 他拥有并经营DeRiggi园林绿化和改造已有40年的历史,并与结婚49年的妻子居住在普拉姆, Linda. They have two sons, John and Anthony, as well as two grandchildren.  

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