Student research in spotlight at annual exposition

Three male 学生s look at autonomous wheelchair

尼克·罗斯(左), 贾斯汀·达姆(中)和泰勒·克莱恩(右)正在为2019年免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的研究与创意博览会准备他们的自动轮椅原型. 三位机电工程技术(EMET)专业的学生由约瑟夫Cuiffi指导, program coordinator and instructor of EMET. 


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. - Topics such as augmented reality, 自动化, 第十七届研究与创意博览会在香港举行,重点讨论了信息回忆和心理健康问题 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. The event, along with 职业介绍日, was held April 9.



50余名学生, including sophomore Sedona Rogers, 研究项目介绍, 通过海报展示, which correlated to their comprehensive work. Participants were then judged on their research content, poster display and their oral communication and defense of the work. 

罗杰斯, electro-mechanical engineering technology (EMET) 学生, 介绍了她的工作重点是创建一个自动洗车模拟程序,并表达了学生参与本科生研究的重要性. "It's super important because it gives you experience, 首先, 展示的东西,罗杰斯说。. ”也, the more you research and work on a project, you learn your interests and also your weaknesses."

学生参与者由教师指导,他们在整个学年提供指导. 对于罗杰斯, 她的导师, 约瑟夫Cuiffi, 提供帮助,也使她学习新的技能,如编程. Cuiffi, is program coordinator and instructor of EMET.

"He's [Cuiffi] an awesome instructor,罗杰斯说。. “他在帮助我们选择项目方面真的很棒,而且非常适合我们的专业和兴趣. 我从来没编过程序, and he was great at guiding me through the steps, but still allowing me to learn on my own."


Eight 学生s were also presented with 本科研究 Award: Excellence in Information Literacy prizes from Penn State's University Libraries. The winning 学生s each received award certificates, as well as gift cards for the campus bookstore and $50 Amazon gift cards, which were presented by Jennifer Gilley, 图书馆的负责人, 和艾米·拉斯蒂克, 参考馆员.

The 2019 winners from 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 include: Tyler Campbell, Hailey Dikun, 卡莉·邓肯, 凯文Litzinger, 凯莉•迈耶, Makayla柄, 艾伦·史密斯和萨凡纳·史密斯.

The award recognizes scholarly work of 学生s 谁在他们的研究和海报展示中展示了信息素养技能.


在世博会期间sition, the campus’s 就业服务办公室 有组织的 职业介绍日今年已经是第11个年头了. 18个组织为学生提供职业信息, as well as the opportunity for 学生s to network and build their contacts. 该活动以职业为重点的方面也有助于向当地企业和行业展示校园中发生的许多研究和创意项目.

“11年前,我们把研究博览会和职业日这两个项目结合在一起, 这是有道理的,吉姆·希尔兹解释道, associate director for career services. “你让学生们盛装打扮,展示他们今年做的最好的东西,给他们一个交流和谈论自己的机会." 

他继续说, “整个活动展示了校园、学生、研究和创造力. It showcases what we're able to do here at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校, and it's exciting to show off what this campus is capable of."

A full photo gallery from the event can be found on the 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 脸谱网 page.


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